Data Privacy Policy

Please read carefully to understand how your personal information will be treated.

24Cevent is a company committed to compliance with all aspects of legal regulations. In this sense, we are committed to the privacy of the people who access this website, and to the use of their personal data, and we abide by Law 19.628 on the Protection of Privacy, regarding the use of personal data and information collected through this website.

The following terms and privacy policy, hereinafter referred to as “Terms and Privacy Policy” of the website hereinafter referred to as “website”, shall be applicable to those persons who, whether or not they are customers of 24Cevent, wish to visit the website on their devices, hereinafter indistinctly referred to as “user”. If you do not agree to these Terms and Privacy Policies, you should refrain from browsing the website.

24Cevent is the provider of the site, which allows the user to access service information, integrations, testimonials and contact information. If you have any questions regarding our privacy practices please contact us via our contact email, which is defined below, we will make reasonable efforts to promptly investigate any complaints you may have with our Terms and Privacy Policy or our use of your personal information.

Contact responsible for data collection

You may contact 24Cevent about any matter related to this privacy policy, by indicating as subject “Privacy of personal data” via email.

24Cevent collects, processes and stores only the personal data that is strictly necessary for the proper functioning of this website and to improve the user experience on this website. Any further processing of personal data is only done with the consent of the respective user.

Information we collect

When the user visits the website, we do not collect information about the user’s name, address, telephone number, identification number, billing and shipping information, which is why we expressly respect the user’s consent.

Personal data relating to the user’s IP address, the user’s activity in the context of browsing the website, operating system, source website from which the user came to the website, the type of browser used, the date and time of use of the website, are data captured by Google Analytics, web analytics service provided by Google, this tool uses cookies, files that are stored in the user’s browser to collect information: pages you visit of the site, time spent, age, gender, location, etc.. On behalf of dParadig, Google will use this information for the purpose of generating reports on the activity occurring on the website, offering additional services for user behavior. If the user wishes, he/she can voluntarily eliminate the use of information storage cookies at any time, through the configuration of his/her browser.

In addition, in the contact form the user is asked to enter data with their consent, such data are name, email, and optionally if you want to put your phone / cell phone and company. The objective is to communicate with the user in order to resolve their request and it is a completely voluntary process. The user guarantees that the personal data provided are truthful.

On the other hand, if the user wishes to obtain more information about a particular service, he/she has the option to enter his/her e-mail address under his/her consent to receive more informative material.

Storage and use

The privacy policy applies to all personal data collected through the website. The personal data collected and stored may be used for the following purposes, depending on the particular case in which they are provided or collected, and according to the consent that has been granted:

We constantly monitor our systems for potential vulnerabilities and attacks. However, despite the measures and efforts made by 24Cevent, we cannot and do not guarantee the absolute protection and security of personal data that you upload, post or share with 24Cevent or anyone else.

24Cevent may share and transfer the information collected to any member of its organization, to the extent reasonably necessary for the purposes and on the lawful basis.

Principles to be applied and information security

24Cevent does not sell, rent, communicate or transmit personal user data to any person or company unrelated to 24Cevent. The processing of personal data will be applied under the following principles:

If the law, court or competent authority requests personal data of any user, the requested information may be granted.

User's rights over their personal data

The user may assert the following rights with respect to his or her personal data that are processed by 24Cevent.

The user can request to know the details of the processing of their data and what data they are, rectify the information if it is inaccurate or incomplete, ask to have their personal data deleted if necessary, have the right to object to receiving information or unsubscribe from newsletters.

The exercise of the aforementioned rights must be made effective by sending a request addressed to dParadig S.A. to the contact e-mail To prevent the collection of personal data the user can always change the settings of your browser.


The site is not intended for use by minors, therefore there is no intention to collect personal information from minors under the age of 18. If the minor has provided us with personal information, the minor’s guardian should contact us by e-mail at if he/she wishes us to delete such information from our records. We will use reasonable efforts to delete the child’s information from our databases.

Exclusion of liability

Having accepted the terms and conditions, the use that the user makes of this website is under his own responsibility. 24Cevent shall not be liable for any damages or injury that any person may suffer as a result of a breach of confidentiality caused by the use of this web site or any information transmitted through this site, nor assumes any responsibility for any damage to your computer equipment or any loss of data.

Changes in terms and privacy policy

Changes may be made at any time in accordance with current legislation. Any changes to this privacy policy will be posted on this website and we will make every effort to notify users of any significant changes. The user must periodically access this section to know at all times the latest published version of the terms and privacy policies.

Final statement

The sending of personal data, through the contact forms, by subscribing to the newsletter or by using other services offered by 24Cevent to deliver more information to contact the user. It implies the express consent to the processing of data under the terms described in this “Terms and Privacy Policy”. It is also noted that the user is not subscribing to any contract or commitment, but only for information purposes.