Human Error: The Open Secret in IT Incident Management

Post - error humano - el secreto a voces en la gestión de incidentes ti

In the digital age, human errors in IT can be costly and damaging to customer confidence. We explore causes and solutions, highlighting the importance of training, automation and a proactive approach to IT management to reduce errors and foster continuous improvement.

Uncontrolled IT ecosystem:
know 4 headaches of not centralizing

Blog Ecosistema TI descontrolado

A technology-driven world, the importance of centralization Nowadays all businesses depend on technology, a failure in critical components (applications, websites, logistics systems, networks/stores or others) can generate a breakdown in business processes, losing sales and customer confidence. Control and visibility of technology systems, which are becoming increasingly complex, is key. And in the same way […]

Profit from automating IT Incident Management

Img1-Sacar ganancias por automatizar la gestión de incidentes TI

In the fast-paced world of information technology (IT), effective event and incident management is essential to ensure business continuity. To achieve this successfully, there is a key component: the implementation of automatic notification systems.